A couple of days ago, my little Pocket Reform crashed in a horrifying way: the screen turned black for a second and came back on with the picture mangled and at full brightness, the keyboard and trackball were unresponsive. I turned it off using the OLED menu, turned it on again, and it booted with a horribly flickering screen. So I turned it off to let it rest for a while until I regained the courage to turn it on again. The flicker was gone, but the right side of the screen had a different color than the rest. This wore off after some use, so the screen seems fine again.
So I was a bit worried and did not touch it for a couple of days, but used it for an hour yesterday without any problems. Unfortunately, today it happened again after 30 minutes, but this time the screen did not flicker after reboot; than it crashed again after a few minutes with the screen remaining black. Trying to boot it again did not work because it crashed during the kernel messages. So I let it cool for a while, and it started again, but after a few minutes, it went black again.
I let it cool some more, and now it seems to be running fine again, even when stressing the machine by running some compilations and wildly scrolling through Mastodon in Firefox. The only difference, and I’m not sure if it’s related, is that I booted with a power adapter attached and I am in a spot with better Wi-Fi reception. This is how hot it will run now:
$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +84.0°C
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite: +52.9°C (low = -40.1°C, high = +83.8°C)
(crit = +87.8°C)
Sensor 1: +73.8°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Sensor 2: +48.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Adapter: SPI adapter
in0: 0.00 V
curr1: 0.00 A
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +80.0°C
I am running my OS of NVME 2Tb WD Blue using the Reform image for installation. Here’s the output of reform-check
$ sudo reform-check
I: Your platform name is: MNT Pocket Reform with i.MX8MP Module
I: You are running kernel version: 6.9.12-mnt-reform-arm64
I: Your installed kernel version: 6.9.12-1+reform20240803T055726Z
I: Your installed reform-tools version: 1.47
I: not installed: pocket-reform-handbook
W: eMMC does not contain latest uboot
W: You can update it to the latest version by running as root:
reform-flash-uboot emmc
E: unexpected last line in /etc/skel/.profile, should be:
if [ "$(whoami)" = "root" ]; then reform-help --root; elif [ -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]; then reform-help; fi
I: the following files differ from how they are shipped by reform-tools:
??5?????? /var/lib/alsa/asound.state
??5?????? c /etc/skel/.config/sway/config.d/input
I: kernel boot parameters your system does use but which are not the default:
+ console=ttymxc1
The logs (using sudo journalctl
) do not yield anything interesting around the time it crashes. I changed the apt source.list to use Trixie, hoping to get slightly more stable Debian packages and automatically getting on stable.
So, is this some (heat-related) hardware issue, or am I running a bad kernel? Maybe both? How do I get back to a more stable situation because this is now a usable state?