Mesa 22.2.0 rendering problems

I recently updated my system (sysimage-v3) and Mesa 22.2.0~rc3-1 was part of the update.
Ever since then I’ve had annoying flashes or straight up black renderings in programs.
I often get this in the log of the programs: MESA: error: etna_cmd_stream_flush:238: submit failed: -28 (No space left on device)
My kernel is 5.18.14-1+reform1.

Does anyone else has that issue?

If you don’t, and haven’t updated to Mesa 22.2.0 yet, maybe wait for a bit. ^^’

EDIT: I have filed a bug report: regression: etnaviv rendering issues since 22.2.0 (#7153) · Issues · Mesa / mesa · GitLab

I’ve also had rendering issues infrequently, I will check my package versions and report back.

Yes, I have the same issue.

Kernel: 5.18.14-1+reform1
Mesa: 22.2.0~rc3-1

After starting the falcon browser, I get the same error message in the terminal.

Thanks for reporting, I’m looking into this.

Edit: I see I’ve already asked about this in March and got told that there’s a fix in 5.19. Perhaps we can cherry pick it: #etnaviv on 2022-07-15 — irc logs at

Meanwhile we have released kernel 5.19 (available via apt upgrade, and this should fix the issue.

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