since the Update of the Reform-Tools like @minute explained on Mastodon i got Problems whit plymouth.
The system says it is not correctly “installed” or “removed” and all the internet hints i tried yesterday and this evening (fix brocken, force and even purge, rm) don´t help… after applying a “Backup” (=new migration ;-D) the error appears again when installing the Updates… perhaps something is broken? But the system works so far, so it is only popping up and wasting time, when using apt etc. - and while booting before the encryption passphrase of se NVMe there are some turquoise errors:
- mounting root…cannot get reset -gpins 0 …
- /scripts/local-top…cannot get dcdc-engpio 0
- adio_bus stammac-1: ethernet-phy has invalid PHY address
(sorry for mistyping - it’s way to small)