September 4, 2024, 4:57pm
Yes, you’d run something like this:
sudo reform-migrate --emmc /dev/mmcblk2p2
That would put /boot
onto the first partition and the rootfs onto the second partition of your eMMC. If you do not have the correct partition setup, here is how to start from scratch:
no worries, as long as you didn’t delete u-boot on the eMMC boot sector (it takes some effort to do that, though), you can still boot from MicroSD card and use the following part from our factory install script to re-image the eMMC freshly. Copy it to a text file and make it executable (with chmod a+x).
The script requires a few tools, to make sure these are installed, do:
apt install bmap-tools e2fsprogs parted
And here’s the main install script:
echo "Copying MNT Pocket Re…