WiFi gone after reboot

Yes, very probable. In the initial system image that was flashed on the Pocket Reforms, we didn’t have a hook in place that would update the reform-qcacld2 package automatically when there is a kernel package upgrade, and gcc and other compilers automatically pull in a kernel upgrade (via libc-dev). In the meantime we have a (somewhat hacky) hook that updates reform-qcacld2 in lockstep, but you need to upgrade this package manually once (or do apt update && apt upgrade once after initial setup to just upgrade everything.

Long story short, you need to upgrade the package reform-qcacld2 to get WiFi back. Some ways to do that:

  • tether via USB to a phone
  • tether via Bluetooth to a phone
  • use the iX industrial Ethernet port if you have an adapter cable
  • use a USB Ethernet dongle on one of the USB-C ports
  • download the .deb from the repo Index of /reform-debian-repo/pool/main/r/reform-qcacld2/ on another computer and ship it to Pocket Reform via a MicroSD card or USB stick and install it using sudo dpkg -i reform-qcacld2*.deb.