2024: where to buy 18650 LiFePO4 batteries?

Two of the eight cells in my Reform suddenly discharged to 0.0V and my attempts to revive them with a benchtop power supply were unsuccessful. (One wouldn’t charge past 1.24V and wouldn’t hold it; the other wouldn’t charge at all and drew zero amps)

Does anyone have a reputable source for LiFePO4 cells that will ship to the US? The previous threads about this topic are from 2022. Is Eremit still the best source? I can’t tell if they ship to the US.

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I’ve done fine just ordering from vendors on AliExpress so far. I haven’t taken note of which ones.

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Update: I purchased a set of 2000mAh batteries from batteryspace.com:

They shipped and arrived within a few days and seem to be working well, but I haven’t fully put them through their paces yet.


I’m going to place an order soon but shipping is steep. Did any Seattle/PNW’ers want 2000 mAh batteries I can hand deliver in the coming months? A set of 8 is ~$38 plus whatever shipping is split a few ways. I feel like if trade wars are in the future it’s a good idea to have a spare set of the high capacity cells.

@khm @vagrantc @hardcoreufo @violet

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sounds good, count me in for a set.

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I’m good for now. Thanks!

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Late to the game, but I would also be up for a set, if you have not already ordered!

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Placing an order today!

@violet @vagrantc I have the batteries in my possession. DM me to arrange for payment and delivery/pickup :slight_smile:

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