Another firmware for the MNT Reform keyboard: QMK


The “master” branch of QMK now supports the MNT Reform keyboard. I only tested this firmware on the standalone version of the keyboard: backlight and OLED display are fully functional. As of my understanding it should work on the laptop version too, BUT:

  1. don’t take my word for it: check by yourself the schematic and sources before flashing your laptop’s keyboard (please share your experience here if it works); and

  2. since QMK was ported/tested on the standalone version only, it lacks the following features from the original firmware: power on/off/cycle, battery status, and wake of the laptop. It shouldn’t be hard to add these features since it’s just a matter of serial communication.

Last but not least, you can customize and build a new QMK firmware for your MNT Reform keyboard from this link: The default layout is the same as in the original firmware.


This is super exciting! Thank you for contributing QMK firmware support!!

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