Bluetooth issues on cold start

I checked by searching here, but didn’t see another report of this problem.

When I start the Pocket, and try to use a Bluetooth mouse (or other Bluetooth device, like a speaker) Bluetooth through the manager does not seem to stay on, or see any devices, or the adapter, for that matter. If I then reboot the Pocket, the devices seem to connect with no problem, BT stays on, and the “minute” adapter is visible.

Follow-up question: Is there a way to perform a reboot from the keyboard in the early stages to reset before fully logging in?

Are you using an adapter? The pocket does not come with bluetooth as far as I’m aware, unless newer builds do. I thought there was talk of adding it on the headphone board but never saw that progress.

I found this card to work and it has wifi6e. Adding Bluetooth hardware - #7 by hardcoreufo

Just make sure you are on kernel 6.12.9 or newer before installing or you’ll have a bad time.

Many Pocket Reforms were shipped with either imx8plus or a311d, which both have Bluetooth on-board.

@hardcoreufo No, I’m using the built-in Bluetooth on the pocket, my iMX8 came with it.

Ohhh I forgot the iMX8 had built in bluetooth. I moved to the rk3588 which does not.

I came back to this today, and it seems to be working now. Did a change come through in an update? If so, thank you.

If someone could let me know that it happened, it would be nice to know that I’m not hallucinating problems that solve themselves.
