Change fontsize when booting etc

i’m wondering if it will be an easy task to increase the font size direct from the beginning of the bootprozess? For me it is really hard to read when inputting the passphrase. As long everything works, it is only “not nice”, but if something goes wrong i would need a magnifier on a bad day. hopefully someone tells me, just change it in this file and reboot the unicorn :smiley:

This is a known problem: Please allow configuring font on pocket reform (#4) · Issues · Reform / MNT Reform Tools · GitLab

Unfortunately, there is no good solution right now. A good solution would be for console-setup to set the font size depending on what display is currently rendering the console. The problem has been known at least since 2017: #859458 - Because of displays with very high dpi, not only the keyboard, but the font has to be configured early - Debian Bug report logs

One thing that could be done is to set the console font to a bigger size on the pocket reform, which is this issue: should set console font on Pocket Reform (#18) · Issues · Reform / MNT Reform Setup Wizard · GitLab The problem with that is, that this will make the console font large on all outputs including HDMI screens with sufficiently low dpi that this is not necessary, so this is just a workaround.

Another workaround is initramfs: Load font early on Pocket Reform (3aa0b0e3) · Commits · Reform / MNT Reform Tools · GitLab which will be part of the next reform-tools release but that is also just a workaround…

More developer time is certainly needed for a 100% satisfying solution here.