Debian/bookworm (stable)

Hi, I’ll try to use Debian stable image on my Pocket, I’m putting here my notes, somebody else has been asking lately about it so hope it helps. It does:

  • Copy manually wireless firmware files (needed until package is available on the repositories).
  • Use tuigreet and allow it to shutdown/reboot.
  • NetworkManager does not show p2p wireless interface.
## Copy firmware files
### Point url to the current reform-qcacld2 package:

mkdir /tmp/wireless_firmware
cd /tmp/wireless_firmware

curl "${url}" > reform-qcacld2_arm64.deb
ar x reform-qcacld2_arm64.deb
tar -xJpf data.tar.xz
mv etc/modprobe.d/reform-qcacld2.conf /etc/modprobe.d/
mv usr/lib/firmware/qcacld2/bdwlan30.bin      /usr/lib/firmware/bdwlan30.bin
mv usr/lib/firmware/qcacld2/otp30.bin         /usr/lib/firmware/otp30.bin
mv usr/lib/firmware/qcacld2/qwlan30.bin       /usr/lib/firmware/qwlan30.bin
mv usr/lib/firmware/wlan/qcacld2/cfg.dat      /usr/lib/firmware/wlan/cfg.dat
mv usr/lib/firmware/wlan/qcacld2/qcom_cfg.ini /usr/lib/firmware/wlan/qcom_cfg.ini
cd -

# Make greetd use tuigreet
## substitute command = "/usr/sbin/agreety --cmd /bin/sh"
## for             command = "/usr/bin/tuigreet --window-padding 4 --remember --asterisks --cmd /usr/bin/sway --power-shutdown 'sudo poweroff' --power-reboot 'sudo reboot'"
sed -i "s;^command = \"/usr/sbin/agreety --cmd /bin/sh\"$;command = \"/usr/bin/tuigreet --window-padding 4 --remember --asterisks --cmd /usr/bin/sway --power-shutdown 'sudo poweroff' --power-reboot 'sudo reboot'\";" /etc/greetd/config.toml

# Allow to shutdown and reboot from greetd.
echo "_greetd ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff" >> /etc/sudoers.d/greetd

# Disable p2p0 wlan interface on NetworkManager:
printf '[keyfile]\nunmanaged-devices=interface-name:p2p0\n' > /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/99-unmanaged-device-p2p0.conf
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I fail to recall the reason for this but why are you installing ezurio-qcacld-2.0-dkms with version 0.0~git20230623.2cd31b6-4 instead of using version 0.0~git20240408.aa96a9f+dfsg-1~bpo12+1 from bookworm-backports?
See Debian -- Details of source package ezurio-qcacld-2.0-dkms in bookworm-backports

The firmware workaround is still necessary because my package ezurio-qca-firmware has been in NEW since the beginning of July: ezurio-qca-firmware - Debian NEW package overview



Right, that is not needed. I replayed what I needed in July, but currently that package is already available.


  • Use tuigreet and allow it to shutdown/reboot.
  • NetworkManager does not show p2p wireless interface.

Can you file an issue here so that this feature can be picked up by the reform-setup wizard? Especially the entry in /etc/sudoers is of interest: Issues · Reform / MNT Reform Setup Wizard · GitLab

This is no longer necessary since Install firmware-atheros for qca9377 bluetooth (94cfe634) · Commits · Reform / reform-system-image · GitLab and Install wireless regulatory database (9d0e169a) · Commits · Reform / reform-system-image · GitLab

That’s this issue: pocket imx8mp: qcacld_wlan exposes p2p0 interface (#4) · Issues · Reform Team / reform-debian-packages · GitLab

I appreciate that you are making a script to work around current issues, but what do you think about:

  • maintaining this information as a wiki article so that it can be collaboratively improved
  • filing issues about (or merge requests fixing) the problems so that the issues get ultimately solved instead of increasing the tooling necessary to work around them :slight_smile:
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Sure! These are a better place to keep these things.