Exchange "real" Power Button?


I really like the option to power off the whole device especially till a power-management will workout. Now I am thinking about to change the real Power-switch to one that is more accessibly - means usable without a paperclip.

Has anyone already changed this and/or has recommendations? I want it not to stick too far out, but good to switch by hand.

Thx & greetinx


I wonder if someone could use the I2C connector on the main board. Have it connected to a button.

You could also replace the current switch with a rocker switch. It would be less “secure” though.

the entire board on that side is only the headphone jack, some passives, and the power switch - it connects to the main board via some connectors.

it should be possible to fabricate a new board that mounts a larger switch - or to even solder in a switch and directly mount it to the side panel.

my short term plan is to 3d print a new side panel cover and a cap for the current switch.

Thanx it sounds like good hints, so i’ll look for a good day with good (self)patience and open the p-reform. hopefully i will have no spareparts when closing it again ;-D

Perhaps i’ll find a flat like the installed, but more accessible - like broader one…

The IC2 connector is far beyond my skills and understandings :sweat_smile: