Flashing the System Image, problem

Pocket Reform will (try to) boot from a microSD card.

Copy the image to your microSD card

sudo dd if=reform-system-imx8mp.img of=/dev/sdX
bs=8M status=progress

Working good, 32GB SanDisk, 4822 MB transferees Ok. On first boot, the Setup Wizard and work ok.

That’s it—now you can boot your Pocket Reform from the freshly flashed microSD card. But, working for SD. Not work eMMC working!

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sudo reform-boot-config --emmc emmc


looks like “/dev/mmcblk2p1 doesn’t exist”

Tried “run reform-rescue”

“bash: run: command not found”

There is no command called run. There is also no command called reform-rescue. Did you see it used like this somewhere in the documentation? It would be helpful to know, so that this can get fixed.

Also, as far as I know, the Pocket Reform should come with a system on eMMC. The fact that your mmcblk2 has no partition on it is strange. Did you change that?


I wiped eMMC.

SD work…

Here are the official instructions for when you deleted the partitions on eMMC:

As long as you do not remove u-boot on eMMC (that would soft-brick your board) you will be able to recover your eMMC without too much effort.


re-image eMMC:pocket-reform-system-imx8mp.img.gz

Copy it to a text file and make it executable (with chmod a+x ) ?

apt install bmap-tools e2fsprogs parted OK

And here’s the main install script: Vim? How make a copy text in vim? How do copy and paste?

Thank you

Yes, chmod +x yourscript.sh makes yourscript.sh executable.

If you do not know vim yet, its learning curve might be a bit steep. There are other editors though which might be a bit more familiar to you, like for example the one called gedit from gnome.

You have to change one thing in the script though which is the url to the image. So instead of:

sudo bmaptool copy https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/4400/artifacts/raw/pocket-reform-system-imx8mp.img.gz /dev/mmcblk2

That line should be:

sudo bmaptool copy https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/jobs/5802/artifacts/raw/pocket-reform-system-imx8mp.img.gz /dev/mmcblk2

The only change was to switch out job 4400 by 5802

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It worked!

Thank you!