Guix and Reform

:wave: I’m the one working on rk3588 support. Just saying hello – I’m actually an old-time NixOS user so code reviews would be appreciated.

@cwebber I saw your mastodon post about reform next! i’m sort of in the same boat in that I’m convinced that guix + reform is going to be a really solid combination. Maybe my racketeering coworkers have corrupted me, but I see scheme as a much better option than nix.

I have a reform classic and pocket and am sort of working through these before getting a reform next (but the build process is all in the same repos). Based on the pocket timeline, I suspect I’ll have the reform classic working and functional by the time next is released.

I’m also on mastodon if anyone wants to dm me about status / updates on this work. I’m trying to post updates on the branch for each push, so watching the PR on codeberg will also give you a pretty good idea of where things are going.

Edit: I finally got u-boot working today! There are a couple of other things to tidy up before the PR is done (bump the kernel to 6.12, create a live-cd), but it should be ready soon. ZFS support will appear in a followup PR.