Guix and Reform

The package manager can also be installed with “apt install guix” from a Debian-based system.

I would love to see a Reform (maybe the next?) with the option to have a preconfigured GNU/guix image!

I’ve started work on a channel for Guix support on the MNT Reform, by way of Nonguix, over at lykso/mnt-reform-nonguix -

I’m still new to Guile Scheme and Guix, so the code’s bound to be a bit rough, but you can use it to build a booting SD card image for the IMX8MQ module as of now. I plan on adding support for the other modules next, starting with the A311D.


having the a311d supported would be fantastic

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I would like to have the rk3588 as well


Heroic effort! No idea how you figured out how to wrap up all the kernel stuff, but I’m thankful. Can’t wait to try it out this weekend

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@crypt I just got an SD card booting with it on the A311D this afternoon. It’s not daily driver ready, but I think the hard part is done. I’ll be adding LS1028 support next and then working on supporting NVMe installs and improving the experience overall across all the modules.

@Deedend I’ll be adding RK3588 support as soon as I receive mine!

@darth-cheney Thanks! Though what I’ve got going can at best be called “Nonguix,” as I made no effort to route around or wrap, e.g., the DDR4 training blobs for the iMX8MQ. I also took the kernel config file from the Nix kernel I’ve been running, trimmed it down in Linux’s menuconfig a bit, and just used that directly. So there’s about zero chance of this ever getting merged into Guix. Maybe nonguix someday. I think I’d still be stuck if I’d kept trying to figure out something that could be easily merged, TBH.

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cool I will have a play with it in the next week or so

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have you managed to run it on RK3588 @lykso ?

No, haven’t put in the effort yet. It looks like there is a branch with support being worked on but I haven’t tried it.


This becomes even more important to me with the MNT Reform Next being announced. The Reform Next seems well designed and serious enough where it really could be the daily driver for many, and the Guix community is exactly the kind of community that’s likely to be on board with the Reform Next.

In fact, I’d love it if we could use the Reform Next as the “standard issue” laptop for the Spritely Institute, which I run. It can be anxiety-inducing to order laptops for staff, because it’s a lot of money towards a computer which, if it breaks, often there’s not a clear debugging path to help someone. Finding Linux’y laptops where you don’t have to, and just don’t, need to get a Windows license is pretty difficult. A highly repairable laptop could change the game there.

However all our infrastructure is built around Guix, so getting Guix to run on the Reform Next is a critical prereq!

Getting things to run nicely on the RK3588 would thus be a good path forward for us!

Perhaps the right thing for me to do in anticipation is to order an RK3588 for the Reform in advance and pull my old Reform off a dusty shelf and try to help the effort?


Would be really cool if guix was a launch day option

:wave: I’m the one working on rk3588 support. Just saying hello – I’m actually an old-time NixOS user so code reviews would be appreciated.

@cwebber I saw your mastodon post about reform next! i’m sort of in the same boat in that I’m convinced that guix + reform is going to be a really solid combination. Maybe my racketeering coworkers have corrupted me, but I see scheme as a much better option than nix.

I have a reform classic and pocket and am sort of working through these before getting a reform next (but the build process is all in the same repos). Based on the pocket timeline, I suspect I’ll have the reform classic working and functional by the time next is released.

I’m also on mastodon if anyone wants to dm me about status / updates on this work. I’m trying to post updates on the branch for each push, so watching the PR on codeberg will also give you a pretty good idea of where things are going.

Edit: I finally got u-boot working today! There are a couple of other things to tidy up before the PR is done (bump the kernel to 6.12, create a live-cd), but it should be ready soon. ZFS support will appear in a followup PR.


I had never heard of guix before. Time to try it out!

This is so awesome! I am excited!

@sam, can you post a link to the codeberg repo?

@jbowen: #4 - WIP: rk3588 - lykso/mnt-reform-nonguix - is the current pull request (posted by lykso above). I just pushed up a commit to get linux-6.12 support in (a shout-out to @josch for holding my hand through the process in IRC). All of the work is in this file.

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