Has anyone tested the Pi CM5?

From looking at other manufacturers’ next gen boards that add a third connector, I was somehow misled into thinking that the CM5 used a new connector scheme. Apparently not, it’s backwards compatible! Has anyone tested it with the current adapter board? I’m curious if it works, but I don’t have a CM5 to test with.

Pi CM5s with 16GB RAM are supposed to come later this year, which would be a nice upgrade, though still not as powerful as the RK3588. Apparently the bottleneck is obtaining 16GB RAM chips. This is probably why Armsom and Banana Pi haven’t released their 16GB CM5 variants yet either.


I haven’t tested it, but I can comment about the backwards compatibility: There are some differences in pinout. For instance, I don’t expect USB3 to work on the CM4 adapter.

Thanks, that makes sense as those seem new. Do you know if the CM4 adapter uses the USB2 pins to provide USB? (I don’t see any other source of USB data from the CM4.) If so, those seem to be the same, so at least USB should keep working at lower speeds.

I have also heard that audio is not working yet on the CM5 for anyone (software issue).

USB 2.0 should work.

The full list of changes is available here, btw: Forward guidance - Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 - Modules - Product Information Portal - Raspberry Pi

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