I’ve been trying to use the HDMI output on my imx8mq Reform, on Debian stable, and I’ve noticed a few issues.
With the 6.10 kernel from the backports, I get no HDMI output at all. No message in dmesg when I plug the cable in.
With the 6.1.0 kernel from stable it works, but only a handful of resolutions seem supported.
I have a vague memory from a few years ago that the supported resolutions is a fixed list in the code, is it still the case?
What would be the steps to add new ones, or possibly generalize the code? (I’m willing to try to write patches for that)
Thank you! I am not an imx8mq user anymore, so I highly value feedback from users who are still on that platform. Since I’m not using it as my daily driver anymore, it is highly likely that new bugs start trickling in…
Can you post the output of the following command:
sudo reform-check
With imx8mq I used swaymsg output {output} mode {resolution} to set the resolution but maybe you can try wlr-randr?
I: reform.debian.net is configured as a mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
I: Assuming reform.debian.net stable mirror for this script
I: If this is incorrect, you can set the mirror to its default by
I: re-running this script with --mirror=mntre.com
I: Your platform name is: MNT Reform 2 HDMI
I: You are running kernel version: 6.1.0-25-reform2-arm64
I: Your installed kernel version: 6.10.6-1~bpo12+1+reform20240902T202728Z
I: Your installed reform-tools version: 1.53
I: not installed: apt-file apt-listbugs blueman bsdmainutils console-data dialog dunst engrampa evince gedit gnome-disk-utility gnome-icon-theme gnome-settings-daemon gnome-themes-extra-data gpm greetd grim gvfs-backends inetutils-ping iptables linux-headers-mnt-reform-arm64 linux-image-mnt-reform-arm64 lxpolkit micro minetest net-tools network-manager-gnome neverball nfacct ntp ntpdate papirus-icon-theme pasystray pocket-reform-handbook python3-psutil qt5ct rfkill screen slurp swayidle swaylock sxiv telnet unicode-data w3m waybar wayland-protocols wayvnc wev wf-recorder wireplumber wofi xterm
W: /dev/mmcblk0p2 doesn't exist.
W: To update your eMMC to sysimage-v4 you can run reform-flash-rescue
W: Only run reform-flash-rescue if you intend a factory-reset of your eMMC
W: Do not use reform-flash-rescue if you boot from eMMC because this will overwrite your /boot partition
I: /etc/motd does not exist
E: unexpected last line in /etc/skel/.profile, should be:
if [ "$(whoami)" = "root" ]; then reform-help --root; elif [ -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]; then reform-help; fi
I: the following files differ from how they are shipped by reform-tools:
??5?????? /var/lib/alsa/asound.state
I: file from deprecated kernel flavour found: /boot/initrd.img-6.1.0-25-reform2-arm64
I: file from deprecated kernel flavour found: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1.0-25-reform2-arm64
I: /boot/initrd.img-*-mnt-reform-arm64 does not belong to any installed kernel package
I: /boot/vmlinuz-*-mnt-reform-arm64 does not belong to any installed kernel package
This is from an install using the debian installer from here: reform.debian.net
I use KDE, but I went to sway to try it out (KDE 5 doesn’t support that protocol). KDE shows me the same list of resolutions than wlr-randr.
If I try to change to change to a custom resolution, it snaps to 4K, even though my monitor is not 4K (which for some reason it displays, but everything is tinted very green)
Can you try out an official system image from MNT and see what happens then? Trying that out will help to identify whether this is an issue with Debian bookworm from reform.d.n or not.
I unfortunately have little input on that issue. I do not remember having seen this before.
No HDMI output at all with the official image, same as with the backported kernel on Debian Stable. (Reform image kernel: 6.10.9-1+reform20240911T042027Z and also the newer 20240916 after update)