How to reinstall OS from a micro sd

How would you go about reinstalling the OS from scratch after creating the boot micro sd for your CPU? I have already rebooted with the micro sd yet it just takes me to a live version running on the micro sd. I may be being dimwitted here so apologies if so.

As well during reinstall how would you best make use of the 128g drive off the chip and the 1tb SSD?

If you want to install onto NVME and also you are interested in your system being encrypted there is the reform-setup-encrypted-nvme tool, which prepares the NVME partitions (including lvm2 and swap), setups the encryption and finally runs reform-migrate to copy the system. To sum it up this tool does all the needed tasks.

For other setups, use the tool reform-migrate. It copies the currently running system into some other partition. It does not partition the disk or format the target partition, these tasks are let to the user.

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And if you find bugs in the tools reform-setup-encrypted-nvme or reform-migrate or would like to request features or would like to suggest possible improvements, both in functionality as well in documentation, please tell me about those things. :slight_smile:

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