MNT Reform Gaming Thread

I originally wanted to create a Pocket Reform thread for this, but because all of the Reforms share the same SoCs I don’t really think there is a need for that.

So what I am really reporting on here is that the following games run without issue on the i.MX8MPlus:

Luftrauser (already reported)
Into the Breach (already reported)
Faster Than Light (already reported)
Stardew Valley

All of these are being launched (after some quick modification to the startup scripts) via Minigalaxy, which is a GoG frontend client.

I have a feeling that the RK3588 should see a lot more games added to this list.


I think instead of pocket vs classic vs next gaming we should breakout gaming based on SOC. Regardless of device you should get similar performance. One notable case I’ve had issues with is STALKER on rk3588 pocket. It seems unhappy and has weird issues if I try to play at non native resolutions and they pocket’s screen is higher res than the classic.

i can’t quite test this, but i do wonder if any of y’all are familiar with PortMaster? it’s a project that targets lower-powered linux gaming handhelds, and its git repository & documentation have a lot of useful starting points for getting many (mostly indie or older) games running on armhf/aarch64 & linux in general in contexts where the overhead of WINE/box64 or even X/wayland isn’t feasible or desirable.

some of the information is redundant for anyone familiar with gaming on linux in general, and the way the information is organized is sometimes frustrating, but the porting guides & scripts have been helpful to me in the past for getting more niche godot & gamemaker games without linux binaries (let alone binaries for arm) running natively on linux.

i plan on tinkering along these lines some after i get my pocket, but i figured i’d leave a note about it here just in case it’s helpful to anyone else in the meantime.


Armored Commander 2 port tweaked to run on linux/arm64 tested on mnt reform 2 running debian unstable: