MNT Seattle Meetup: Pocket Edition Summer 2024

Hi all! Hope you’re having a great summer. I would love to get an MNT Reform meetup on the books for late August or early September here in Seattle, with enough of a heads-up for some folx from PDX to make the trek potentially. Let’s celebrate the arrival of Pocket Reform and talk tips, tricks, and hacks!

However, the last time I tried to arrange a meetup, it was only attended by one other person which was a huge disappointment.

So! Before I set anything in stone, I need your input in order to make this happen. What do you need to attend? Would you prefer a weekend or a weekday? Afternoon or evening? Do you have a preferred location (I’m limited to transit-accessible locations)?

Please, leave your feedback here!

@vagrantc @klardotsh @violet @jcstaudt @hardcoreufo @polydactl @bkeys …who else am I forgetting?


I’m definitely interested. Hoping to get my Pocket Reform soon.

Currently, I’m fairly flexible for when to meet, as I am in between jobs.

As far as location, I live in downtown Seattle and would prefer something not too far, and bonus for being transit accessible, though I use Uber if needed.

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I will try real hard to be there! Two jobs and kids can make it tough to get out to the west side, but stuff like this is great for trading ideas and getting other people’s perspectives on things. Weekends work best for me, since that’s the only time I can day-trip over the mountains.

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i am interested. especially if someone has a spare full-size reform motherboard they could bring, because mine is apparently busted as of a couple days ago :sweat_smile:. rev 2.0 or later is what im looking for, while i wait for 2.6 to come out

I’m pretty busy all of august. September though, no plans. Somewhere with outdoor seating is friendliest to me; i am also transit-limited. I’m flexible about time of day.

I think doing a meetup in a park be great. volunteer park is pretty cool. it is a short bus ride from cap hill station, while i think also having parking for cars, and it is pretty big so it is easy to find space available.

another suggestion i have: distant worlds is a coffeeshop i visit sometimes that hosts events. Events @ Distant Worlds — Distant Worlds Coffeehouse — Seattle . maybe they would be an option. they are right next to a link station. parking is less convenient, but there is parking nearby.

i think that seattle’s local synthesizer shop, patchwerks, also has event space. Events – Patchwerks . they are less convenient to get to by transit than the others, but still only one bus away from a link station. it’s a neat venue given all the synthesizers present.

distant worlds and patchwerks are both indoors; they are just what I know off the top of my head.

I’m not sure how late a timeframe works for these. Patchwerks seems to have events ranging from early afternoon all the way into the evening so I guess they are flexible. Distant worlds meetups seem to be more early afternoon. presumably the park is limited mostly by when the sun goes down.

anyways there are a couple suggestions to get the ball rolling :slight_smile:

I think I’m gone labor day weekend but should be free other than that. I’m in PDX and could only really get up to Seattle Sundays, Mondays or Tuesdays.

I’d more than likely just drive up and back for the day if anyone wants to carpool.

Venue doesn’t matter much to me!

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Oh no! What happened to your MoBo? I don’t have a spare but did have to run a wire to replace a trace I blew out.

not sure exactly, but i think i damaged it when i shorted a display cable pin for a bit too long before noticing and removing power. it kept working for a month after that but maybe it was on borrowed time…

Thanks all for the input! Here’s what I’m synthesizing from everyone:
Weekends preferred, September is best but not Labor Day weekend. With that in mind, I think September 8th would work for most…what does everyone think of 3 PM to 7 PM? Obviously, anyone can come and go whenever they please and maybe if anyone wants to continue the hang we can go grab food afterwards.

In terms of venue, I prefer something indoors so we have tables to put our computers on, out of direct sun that can also have an open door for ventilation. I got an awesome tip from the fediverse on a spot called Pipsqueak y’all can check out. It’s in the Central District, not too far from the bus lines that run on Yesler, and the Cap Hill streetcar as well. I’ll email them today asking about availability since they have super reasonable rates and basically anything we’d need. Compared to a cafe or pub, we wouldn’t have to fight for table space, either.

Would anyone care to present? Any other ideas for what we could do at this event to mix it up or give it more structure?


oh that venue looks lovely! september 8th 3pm-7pm works for me. i will think about whether i have anything that would be interesting to present

Hi all,
This time at the last meet up I was in school in Idaho but I’m back home in Georgia now, so I’m on the opposite corner of the continent now. I don’t think I’ll be able to fly all the way to Seattle as I’m also inbetween jobs, but I’d love to find some way to video conference with you guys for perhaps a couple hours and discuss everything. I have been working on a Fedora/CentOS-Stream for the Reform and would love to discuss that then.


Pipsqueak looks cool! That time works for me. I don’t think I have anything to present.

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I live in Seattle and will come!

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Yes. September 8 will work for me!

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I live there! that date works for me too.

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Sadly September 8th is the same weekend as I’m at an event in BC (but my availability frequently nightmarish). Maybe next time!

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Hello everyone! I got confirmation from Pipsqueak for 9/8! Here are some vital stats for y’all…

What? MNT Reform Seattle User Meetup!
Where? Pipsqueak, 173 16th Ave Seattle, WA 98122
When? Sunday September 8th, 2:30-7 PM
How much? Free, donation is appreciated (I’m paying out of pocket for the space, but anything else we can chip in as a community would be fantastic!)
Who? Anyone interested in Reform or open hardware is welcome to attend!
How do I get there? Pipsqueak is down the street from the Cap Hill Streetcar stop at E Yesler and 12th, and close to King Country Metro bus routes 3, 27, and 4. If you need to drive, there appears to be neighborhood parking but I do not know the permit situation.

Other Stuff

  • Pipsqueak is an all-ages, sober space so please do not bring alcohol but feel free to bring other snacks and beverages to share.
  • Definitely bring your best hacks, spare parts to share, and demos to show off.
  • Masks are totally welcome especially if we have a lot of people show up (I know a few people who got pretty sick recently).

If you’re going to post about the event on Instagram, please tag the Pipsqueak folx :slight_smile:


This is your one-week reminder! Next Sunday!! Join us!!

@bkeys are you still available to do some kind of presentation? DM me and I’ll see if we can work out something.


Jealous that you all are getting together in person! If there are any talks or anything, would these be recorded / shared? I’d be super interested :slight_smile:

Regardless of yes/no on that, wishing everyone a great time!

I might share photos afterwards with the permission of attendees. Watch this space!