I leave my Pocket on most of the time, but using amospalla’s great pseudo standby script called psuspend. I mention this only because the script does cut the amount of power the Pocket is drawing as well slightly cools the SoC down due to the decreased load.
I take my Pocket with me to work, but am not allowed to bring it into the office with me. So I leave it out in the car. Here in Germany the temps are minus and it is cold. Normally I would be worried about leaving a laptop or something like that in the car, but I feel like the SoC in this situation is keeping the display warm enough to not have issues with the cold.
This is largely because the SoC is directly behind the display on the Pocket.
In the Classic Reform the heat from the SoC is useful in a similar way but with much less of an effect.
I can leave my Pocket powered all the time because I found this awesome 21 cell (18650) battery pack that does PD. With I can keep the Pocket running for ALMOST 2 days.
I am mentioning this here because I feel it is something that is not easily discerned, and I feel that it is an advantage of the Pocket.
Anyone else in a similar situation? What are your thoughts?
I can see how that would be useful, but the waste heat generation also means the batteries are draining faster than they otherwise would be.
I like taking my Pocket Reform with me while I’m out, but often don’t have a car with me, meaning I have to carry around whatever I need. And I also have a pretty bad back, so I try to keep what I’m carrying around lightweight enough to fit in a small shoulder bag (which I’ve found is the one way I can reliably carry things with me that doesn’t result in pain). That’s one of the reasons I love the Pocket Reform so much: it’s a laptop that I really can take everywhere.
But because of that, the added weight of a large extra battery pack wouldn’t work for me - it’d exacerbate my back pain. So I’d really prefer a suspend or hibernate state that I could leave the device in for longer periods of time without draining the battery. I’m glad psuspend works for you, everyone’s needs are different, but I would really like it if a lower power state was available. (But no pressure, Lukas! I know you have lots on your plate!)
I would prefer suspend and hibernation as well. Several posts here on it actually. Psuspend is working with what I got.
This thread is about a silver lining as a result of a a lack of suspend or hibernate, and it is one that enables my current situation.
In your situation it totally makes sense why you wouldn’t want to lug around a big old battery pack. Totally understand. I’m convinced we’ll get suspend one of these days. I know that suspend on the regular Reform with the OG SoC works now reliably.