Pocket reform keycaps?

howdy! i’m still waiting on my pocket reform, but i’ve been pouring through the documentation and the git repo to help prepare for its arrival.

the manual mentions that the keycaps use a special profile to allow them to fit more closely together than standard choc caps, but i can’t seem to find design files for the keycaps themselves in the pocket-reform repository – just for the legends & pcb.

now, i don’t mind breaking out the calipers once my unit arrives, but i’m wondering if the models or cad files are available anywhere? i don’t see myself printing new caps anytime soon, but in the future it would be nice to have the models handy for quick repairs or for adding something silly or colorful to my reform when the fancy strikes. :smiley_cat:


I know they used a specific company for the custom keycaps so it would be theirs to share, not MNT I assume.I had considered getting in touch with the company (the name escapes me) MNT used for the Pocket keycaps as I wanted a couple of sets made and printed. Yet to do it so I don’t even know if it’s possible.

I will be ordering a set of the blank pocket keys when they are back in stock.


okay, that makes sense! the company they used is mentioned in the hardware section of the handbookFKcaps. i checked out their site after coming up dry on the MNT shop, but they didn’t have any listings for the Pocket, either. i guess i’ll keep an eye out for a restock on those blanks, too :eyes:

I have asked FKcaps on their discord chat so I shall let you know if I get any response.

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I got in touch with the person behind FKcaps about a year ago to get vanilla pocket reform keycaps. At that time it was not planned to include them in the store. The best thing will be to buy them from MNT.

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Here is my attempt to create my own keycaps. Fits well with the extra narrow PCB layout. Attention: With the selected printing process SLS, the buttons are quite loose on the switches. So this is just a start for your own 3D model. The pins should be slightly thicker.

I have just realized that I cannot upload a file here. … well, then as code.

/* Chocs Keycap
for PocketReform Keyboard
1V1 thinner -> 1mm dip and 19 mm ditch diameter

//Top plate with sharp edges

total = 14.8;
corner_cyl_rad = 2;
corner_cyl_top = 1;
corne_cyl_pos = total/2 - corner_cyl_rad; // 14.8/2 - 3
plate_hight = 3.3;

//outer plate
hull() {
for (x = [- corne_cyl_pos , corne_cyl_pos]){
    for (y = [- corne_cyl_pos , corne_cyl_pos]){
        translate ([x,y,0]) cylinder(h=plate_hight, r1=corner_cyl_rad, r2=corner_cyl_top, $fn=64);

//inner plate
in_total = 14; //15
in_corner_cyl_rad = 3.7;
in_corner_cyl_top = 2.7;
in_corne_cyl_pos = in_total/2 - in_corner_cyl_rad; 
in_plate_hight = 3.3;
bottom_cut = 0.6;
bottom_move_cut = bottom_cut - in_plate_hight;

hull() {
for (x = [- in_corne_cyl_pos , in_corne_cyl_pos]){
    for (y = [- in_corne_cyl_pos , in_corne_cyl_pos]){
        translate ([x,y,bottom_move_cut]) cylinder(h=in_plate_hight, r1=in_corner_cyl_rad, r2=in_corner_cyl_top, $fn=64);
didch_size = 19;
ditch_move = - 1.0 + didch_size + plate_hight;
translate ([0,0,ditch_move]) sphere(didch_size, $fn=256);

} //difference close

//Pins 2,9 mm x 1,2 mm distance center-center 5,7 mm
module pin(){
translate ([0,0,0]) cube([1.2,2.9,3], center = true);

//color ("blue")
    translate ([1.6+0.5,0,0]) cylinder(4,1.6,1.6, center = true, $fn=128);

//color ("green")
    translate ([-(1.6+0.5),0,0]) cylinder(4,1.6,1.6, center = true, $fn=128);
bottom_cut = 0.6;
pin_move_z = -(3/2-0.2-bottom_cut); // pin_length = 2.8

translate ([5.7/2,0,pin_move_z]) pin();
translate ([-5.7/2,0,pin_move_z]) pin();


Thanks for this! I shall have a play. I am getting some things printed for work so I might try a variety of thicknesses for the pins and get them printed too.