If you’re using sway
, you can use a custom keyboard layout by adding this to .config/sway/config
input "1003:8258:MNT_Reform_Keyboard" xkb_layout my-layout
This will read the file .xkb/symbols/my-layout
, in which you can remap keys. Paste the following content in that file:
default partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {
include "de"
name[Group1] = "MNT Reform German (with HYPER as DEL)";
key <RWIN> { [ Delete, Delete, Delete, Delete ] };
Then reload sway with Super+Shift+C
. Now you will have a QWERTZ layout with the HYPER key producing DEL.
You can look up the symbolic key names (like <RWIN>
) in the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev