Reform-setup-encrypted-nvme where?

I just received my Pocket Reform and installed an SSD. I understand I have to run reform-setup-encrypted-nvme to set it up which should be located in /sbin - but I didn’t find it and whereis could not find it, either. So where is it? I did update all packages with apt-get ans I think the signature for the MNT Debian Tools repository might be missing - but I am not sure wether that is an error.

Yes, running that script is one of the options you have.

No, it should be located in /usr/sbin but since /sbin is a symlink to /usr/sbin that should make a difference in practice.

Can you paste the output of this command, please:

ls -lha /usr/sbin/reform-setup-encrypted-nvme

Did you run whereis as the superuser? If not, /usr/sbin will not be in your $PATH because your normal user does not have the required privileges to run that script.

Can you try running this:

sudo which reform-setup-encrypted-nvme

To find out which package contains the script you can run this:

dpkg-query --search /usr/sbin/reform-setup-encrypted-nvme

This should tell you that the script is part of the package reform-tools. If it does, then this also means that you have reform-tools installed as is required.

It is not. It is intentional.

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Thank you. I reinstalled reform-tools and that made the script reappear. :slightly_smiling_face:

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