Reinstall system on emmc for RK3588

having installed my new RK3588, I subsequently broke something (it gets stuck in the boot process - after i did something silly trying to set up a new encrypted nmve). Now, I like to reinstall the system to emmc (and just format the nvme as a data disk thereafter). I downloaded the latest image to an sdcard, booted and ran base setup and apt upgrade).

Now I would like to copy the system to emmc and boot from there. How would I proceed?
Many thanks


Maybe reform-setup-encrypted-nvme is the utility you are looking for?

well actually thats where my problems started. I wanted 1) all system&home stuff on emmc 2) just an encypted data partition on nvme. I used reform-setup-encrypted-nvme (the first part of the dialogs) to set up encryption on the nvme (but not move anything there).
Thereafter my system boot broke at the mounting of the encrypted partition.

In this case I believe reform-setup-encrypted-nvme maybe changed your fstab, so maybe change you fstab back to original could save your system, then you can edit the fstab to auto-mount your encrypted nvme partition at boot.

i managed to get back in as root and reset /etc/fstab to default. now boot process no longer blocks

I was in a similar boat and had ordered the rcore flashed for a big reform for my pocket. I made an SD card and booted the OS from that. I proceeded to dd the emmc with the pocket reform image. After that I was able to boot from the emmc and run reform-setup-encrypted-nvme to get running on that.

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