RK3588 stopped charging

I installed my new RK3588 the other day. It worked well, the system was very responsive even after installing Gnome. Then I decided to install the guix package manager and started installing software with it. Some of it needed to be compiled, which heated the processor quite a bit. After working at such a high temperature for a while, the power input stopped working - the batteries are no longer charging and the red light that should be one when the cable is connected doesn’t light up. I suppose something on the motherboard could have burnt, but I have no idea where to start looking. Any suggestions?


Did you check the two fuses? I recently blew one up. Should have some new ones in tomorrow.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll have a look.

So none of the components were damaged. The laptop started working again after it cooled down. I’m not sure what the issue would be, but it seems to really be related to overheating. Charging gets cut-off when the processor gets too hot.

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Lucky you. I blew up fuse F2, and diode D5. Removing diode D5 which is vestigial allowed me to boot, but it shuts off whenever charger is plugged in. I think either Q15 or Q17 blew up as well. I got some components coming in the mail this week.