Suspend/hibernate status on Pocket

There exists a thread with a similar name, but that drilled down quickly to suspend to RAM details.

My Pocket still has the IM8* processor it came with but i have an A311 i bought for it in waiting…

I’m not a system programmer and I’m unlikely to solve this myself. Is there likely to be a useable suspend function on either cpu in this machine?

Honestly I’d prefer hibernate (to disk) as my usage would be preserve a workspace setup.

I’ve read most if not all recent (2023, 2024) posts mentioning either but found no definitive answer(s).

sudo systemctl suspend erases the screen then… halts, keyboard backlight on, but hyper-space does nothing, hyper-1 or return do nothing. hyper-0 then on of course boots the machine and fsck’s mmc and nvm.

Has anyone worked up scripts that make any of this work? For either cpu?

The imx8plus is basically discontinued and so suspend attempts there are not happening .There was, however, a pseudo suspend script which tries to power down as much stuff as possible. It is a good solution for now.

I think most suspend efforts are going towards the RK3588. In recent talks with Josch I found out that it is technically possible for the A311D to suspend. Work just needs to be done for both SoCs to get that functionality integrated here.

Like you I would very much prefer hibernation as well.


Hey thanks! I somehow missed those discussions. A partial solution is fine for me.

I guess I’ll install the A311D sooner than later. I’ve got to read up on how to flash the internal memory for Pocket. Thanks for that link.

The source is Lukas and Ferass in #mnt-reform here: k

Would you like to help me test a script that does that as per discussion here 2024-12-25.log?

I’m still looking for a good name for the script, which is the main reason I haven’t pushed my work to the staging branch yet. The script itself is mostly what you can find in Migration from i.MX8MPlus to A311D and in Migration · Wiki · Reform / reform-system-image · GitLab but as per usual, choosing a good name remains the hardest part in software engineering. :sweat_smile: Current favourite is reform-emmc-bootstrap, trying to make it clear that it wipes existing content and only should be run once.

Hi Josch,

I realize this post is nearly a month old! It feels like a year ago, so much has happened.

I’m ready to install the A311D in my Pocket Reform now. Do you still need someone to test it?


Yes please! The script is called reform-emmc-bootstrap and it is part of the latest reform-tools release 1.65. Theoretically it should work like this: you have a system on SSD (it would be interesting to learn what kind of setup that is – is it a plain partition? swap? encrypted?) and your /boot is on emmc. Then you remove your SoM, thus essentially looking your /boot. You put the new SoM in and boot the system from an SD-card and run reform-emmc-bootstrap which will create a new /boot partition on your new eMMC which will hopefully be able to boot your system on your SSD.

what does “discontinued” mean exactly for those who have machines with that CPU module?

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To me it just means that you can’t buy a pocket with the plus. It is still supported from a software perspective but it will not have the software attention that the rk3588 will be getting.

Pocket Reform with iMX8MPlus is still available via both CrowdSupply and Mouser, so I would say for the moment it’s not discontinued, and many of us have only just received our units.

I don’t disagree that most effort now appears to be going in to RK3588.

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