Uboot build fails due to build flags

I’m trying to build uboot for flashing to the mmcblk0boot0 boot sector and currently the build is failing. I’m using thereform-boundary-uboot fork and building with gcc11. It fails with “no arch armv5” and gives a list of alternatives. (armv5t armv5te, etc). I can’t seem to find where the build flags are set, certainly it’s not something as simple as a CMakeLists file. Can someone direct me to where the build flags are set or, better yet, a pre built image I can flash?

To compile u-boot from git, you need the following packages installed on Debian or one of its derivatives: gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu build-essential bison flex device-tree-compiler

And then you compile it by running:

cp mntreform-config .config
env CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm make flash.bin

You can find precompiled u-boot as the artifact of the latest CI job here: Jobs · Reform / reform-boundary-uboot · GitLab

Or use a direct download link to the latest stable version (v3): https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/-/jobs/artifacts/v3/raw/flash.bin?job=build

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Strange… Why put the config file in the root of the repo and copy it manually, when you could put it in the configs directory like kconfig expects? That would be less surprising for people who build uboot for other projects

Probably because the current uboot setup is very hacky to start with and lots of part are done as they are because they work and not because its the right way to do them. The most obvious problem with the current uboot setup is probably MNT is shipping a boundary devices uboot fork instead of putting all necessary code into upstream uboot and then using vanilla uboot instead. I understand that IRC user bluerise is working on that but I don’t know whether bluerise has an account here in the forum or not.

I don’t know anything about uboot development, so let me ping @vagrantc who knows much more about this than I. :slight_smile:

The mainline u-boot was up to patch v8 last i looked, and it worked, but left some things in an odd state:


I have not done much with the vendor fork, other than rebuild it a few times, so cannot speak to it too much…