Other Zorro cards:Raganrok PPC, Prisima (to make AA3000+/ZZ9000 boot, need zorro card not used otherwise)
Trying to get good playback off of my AX, so far only OK quality. The ax mpg tools give the best results with the least hit to cpu, tried AmigaAmp with external warpup engine and just AHI. Quality of playback is low or skippy.
What is everyone else doing with their AX audio? how is the quality etc?
I wanted to be able to listen to shoutcast/internet radio via AmiAMP with decent quality so thats what i use the soundcard for primary. I really wish we could offload AmiAMP via hardware acceleration in AmiAMP, if thats possible. I use 50Mhz 060 CPU and always AHI- high quality 16/44Khz.
If i use low/medium settings in AmiAMP i get terribly Aliasing/metallic sounding audio så always use high quality if possible.
Thanks for the reply, AmigaAmp even with the highest AHI settings setting has bad audio quality not suitable for listening to MP3s. The axmp3 tool gives decent playback, not on the same level as say the Prisima MHI driver. This AX audio card has a lot of potential, I will see what comes down the road with it. I hope dedicated MHI or similar drivers come out that complete the package. Will go back to the Prisima for now for MP3 playback.
Hi Matt and thanx fort the tip regarding Prisma. Unfortunatly prisma seems to be unattainably at the moment but i have high hopes that ZZ9000AX with the possibilities of the ARM processor will surpass audioquality of prisma at some point. I had a lot of trouble in the beginning to get the sound card to work at all but now i can finally listen to my belowed radiosstations with decent quality through my Monitor while surfing via sloooowly Ibrowse.
I did not experience much problems with ZZAX and since I am on 040, I can only use axmp3 to play mp3’s. In AmigaAmp it will stutter. Hopefully MHI will arrive sooner than later and that will resolve issue with AmigaAmp for me. Are you able to use ZZAX AHI in Hippoplayer? Whatever I do, I can’t make it work, and enabling AHI in Hippo will result in error. Are you (or anyone else) able to play mods via AHI?
I have been trying to read more about MHI wich is a another variant of AHI if i understand it correctly. MHI support, once developed will give us the possibility to offload the amiga CPU and instead use hardware-Mp3 decoding/arm?
You are correct @Silver, we would be able to add driver via AmigaAmp settings. I’ve seen how this works on WalkeroGR’s stream for his Prisma MegaMix sound card and the results are very good.