Estimated shipping date

we’ve shipped 144 crowdfunded MNT Pocket Reforms so far (incl 42 Hypers), 135 to go. in the meantime there have been around 100 MNT Pocket Reforms sold by Crowd Supply after the campaign, those will be fulfilled right after.

This was posted on Mastodon a few days ago.


Got an email this morning from crowdsupply saying my Hyper is on the way. Hopefully you (and others) did too!


I know everyone here is privacy focused, but I’d love to see an unboxing video or two at some point soon (to help tide me over)…

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same, it’s supposed to arrive on friday or saturday and I am EXCITED! :slight_smile:


Me too, yippee!

Looking forward to seeing what’s what and then looking into potential expansion options…

Saw this just now on Mastodon: Andy Piper: "Got my #PocketReform today, lots to setup. https:…" - Macaw-Social


I got a shipping notification this morning for my hyper edition. Should be here Monday or Tuesday.


my estimated shipping date is now 30th of August :smiling_face_with_tear:

yep, same for me - I noticed that crowdsupply updated my order status on Jul-27 or thereabouts.

has anyone received an update from CrowdSupply on delivery from the final MNT Pocket batch yet? My order was in March-2023 and CrowdSupply doesn’t respond effectively to my status ticket except to say that expected ship date is Aug-31.

No, not yet. I’m in the same boat, and hoping to get a notification in the next 4 weeks or so.

Their estimate is unreliable.

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I had an estimate for 31st August and received mine 2 weeks ago.

Hope it won’t be long for you folks!!


Yeah, hope mine could be shipped in next week. Almost running out of patience.

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Crowdsupply responded to my ticket with an update saying I should get a ship notification this week. Fingers crossed.


That’s good news. Hoping mine will be in the same/similar batch - my dates were similar, although I ordered the last day of Feb.

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Hope so too. When I heard that the last batch of the pre-orders had reached crowdsupply last week, I was particularly concerned because that ‘should’ mean all pre-orders should get fulfilled - I understand that our respective orders fall within this criterion.

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I kinda unexpectedly got my Pocket from Crowd Supply. I thought it was going to be in one of the post-crowdfunding pre-order batches, but apparently they now shipped something earlier?


No ship notification so far yet for me even though crowdsupply CS in their ticket had promised it this week. This was the second time I’d ever paid into a crowdfund (1) but this ‘experience’ is working hard to ensure it’ll be my last. Trying to stay positive.

(1) first was a Cory Doctorow ebook that was delivered on time and as expected.

For what its worth, I didn’t get a shipment notification for mine either, it just showed up on my doorstop one day. If you were in the preorder group, MNT said on mastodon that they’ve sent the last batch of the preorder units to crowdsupply a while ago, so it shouldn’t be much longer.


My estimated shipment date has moved again - now to the 6th (was the 31st of August before)… feels like waiting for a train in the UK.

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