There’s a teeny problem with installing the WiFi antenna holder, with the LS1028 CPU: the eDP mount doesn’t leave enough room for it. More importantly, there isn’t room for the Molex WiFi antenna in that space.
Just how crucial is that holder? Is it safe to just leave the antenna floating free in there?
The antenna also fits next to the trackball but I do get weird noises while downloading packages so I guess it’s not the best place. Will try to put it in different place next time I look inside.
Following up about the display-noise issue: I got a very nasty case of RF noise coming through to the monitor, with the antenna leads overlapping the corner of the memory module.
I made the problem go away completely by swivelling it down and to the left, so that the antenna is sitting on the batteries, and its leads point basically straight down. No tape or RF choke involved, though the tape probably isn’t a bad idea.