MNT Reform Motherboard Repair Logs

Repair Log: MNT Reform Beta (D-3)

Date: 2021-06-30

Cleaned keyboard and exchanged keycaps to MBK model (QWERTY).

Cleaned unit with compressed air.

Replaced missing screws.

Replaced all 8 battery cells (7/8 were dead).

Replaced discharge resistor R29 (it was exploded). 10 Ohms.

Performed charge control modification with a bodge wire (see MNT Reform R-2 Motherboard Update 2021-04-19).

Performed safety modification on power jack (see MNT Reform: First EU Batch? Do this safety modification).

Upgraded motherboard firmware to R2/20210419

Upgraded keyboard firmware to R1/20210419

Had 2 bad measurements on LTC sense resistors:

Decided to desolder and exchange LTC6803-4 chip. This fixed the problem. The chip was faulty.

Performed charging test. Cell voltages nominal, charger correctly finished at top end.