Unable to power on (system controller firmware vs USB PD?)

I’m currently in a state where:

  • pocket reform does not power on (neither the system, nor the OLED, even after toggling the internal / side switch)
  • Attaching it to an Anker 25000 mAh / 90w charger causes the charger to show “circuit protection enabled, please unplug/replug device” on its display
  • No red charging LED present to indicate any input when connected to USB-C

I have the RK3588 module, earlier today the machine was usable, although it did not seem to want to charge past ~45%, I powered off (via sudo poweroff when it was showing around 38%, and now I’m unable to start up again.

I’m not sure what current firmware I am on as I cannot get to the OLED display right now, but I’m fairly certain it was one of the first post-release updates, nothing more recent. The last thread on a similar topic mentioned a new firmware for the system controller, but then that was unlinked due to a display issue.

Any clues?
(I’m at FOSDEM this weekend if anyone would like to help me attempt to troubleshoot it further)

Could be faulty charging board? Since there is no red led light when connecting to power.

There is an easy way to see whether charging board has problem.

Look at U1 on the charging board (in the bottom case near the batteries). If it’s visibly cracked / warped you have the problem in this thread, read more here MNT Pocket Reform doesn't boot - #23 by deianara

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Thank you. I had a look at the charging board and I don’t see anything like that. I’m really baffled so far. I may have to do more disassembly and attempt to reset the system controller or something after FOSDEM.

Again, there’s no life at all including no OLED activity; and one of my Anker batteries is showing this message about circuit protection if it is plugged in.

It was working until mid morning, I shutdown to save the remaining power, and now it just doesn’t respond - seems very weird.