Probably a simple question, but:
I’m in the US. I have been considering a Reform Pocket + the rk3588 CPU board (I’ve already backed the Reform Next, but that won’t be available for months!). What’s the best way to acquire that at this point? Purchase the Pocket from Crowdsupply and the board from the MNT shop? The whole thing from MNT? It seems wasteful to get it from CS if I’m just going to discard the old processor board.
Thanks! Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere.
I believe if you order thru CrowdSupply it’s no different than ordering from MNT, please correct me if I’m wrong.
I recently bought a MNT Pocket Reform from Mouser (the distributors used who have some in stock right now to be dispatched) that came with the original IMX8M+ processor. I had planned to switch it for the A113D processor simply as I have pretty minimal demands of the device (it’s primarily just typing) so I could avoid the heat issues of RK3588. I have actually wondered if I need to but I probably will.
Anyway my point is, you can order a device today if spec doesn’t matter (then order the upgrade from MNT) and it will be with you very soon, or you can be patient and order direct from MNT and they will send as soon as they can but you have to wait. The only person that can decide is you. I was impatient and bought from Mouser due to personal situations making time of the essence and it came rather quickly.
I haven’t heard of somebody experiencing heat issues with rk3588. Did I miss something?
There are a few ancedotal examples of people having issues after upgrading to rk3588. Hence the desire for the new back plate.
Just a quick follow-up – I have ordered a Pocket via Crowdsupply, and an RK3588 board through the MNT reform website. I’m looking forward to them both, although I’m kind of expecting there to be shipping shenanigans, since we are apparently getting idiotic tariffs on everything soon.
I have one on order too. Based on the challenges I’m facing trying to do system recovery on my imx8mp system, I sure hope the RK3588 board has the OS pre-installed!
Yes, the RK3588 modules have the OS preinstalled on eMMC.
That’s fantastic. Thank you!
Hi Khaaan, what challenges are you facing? I just did it on the + and may be able to help (Planning on doing a write up for the forum but not got around to it yet?)
The full story is in this thread. @josch has been helping me out a lot: